The Holocaust was the worst crime against mankind. We must ensure the memory never fades so that we never repeat.
DEPORTATION the Jews filed in"stay in line" the Nazis would say "keep moving" no room to sit down no time to breath no choices "just keep moving" leave all possessions behind just the clothes on your back God where are they taking me? now get in the train car-NOW! keep moving all the way to the back plenty of room push in -tighter there is no room to move no air to breath no place to relieve so tight the fit no one could fall the door slams shut the train moves out where are they taking us? God I feel sick God I'm scared God help us all! wood, barbed wire and lead 30"x30"
Camper what am I doing here? why are they treating me this way? I am a business man I am successful I am a father I am a husband I am a brother I am a son I am a friend I am a Jew the Nazis hate me they forced me here I miss my family I miss my friends so they know where to find me? this has to be a mistake someone will get me out soon there are so many of us here what happens next? there is a terrible stench coming out of that chimney 8lb lead wall sculpture 8"x6"
Warsaw Ghetto set aside outcasts to Nazis forced to live with little food packed in like sardines no one should live like this they had no choice the guns and barbed wire held hostage to their faith it was dark and filthy animals lived better families separated this was not their home this was their prison why did this happen? what would happen next? would they be killed? questions sadly answered cruel and inhumane treatment child and old alike no one was safe it was scary and dark the walls of hatred so tall the stench of death in the air why is the train here? why are we being forced to get on? where are we going? questions sadly answered 40lb wall sculpture 30"x30"
If it Never Happened, What Happened to Them? Not so long ago in Nazi occupied Europe a Holocaust happened yes it happened millions of Jews, handicapped, Gypsies...all murdered yes murdered systematically eliminated they didn't just disappear the Nazis deemed them unfit to live yes it happened hard to believe today admit it-it did happen we must never forget the Holocaust 40lb wall sculpture 30"x30"
Technically Helmet Hirsh, 1937 a young man technically a U.S. Citizen supposedly had a plan to assassinate a German official this was never proven his capture was secure his fate sealed he was to be executed Ambassador Dodd did plead Hirsch was an American the Germans took no heed they were tired of talking Hirsch was executed with an ax a brutal sign of times to come horror was in the wind 30lb Lead Pedestal Sculpture 18"x18"
A Father and Daughter Miriam was a tiny baby safe and sound in Samek's knapsack the line was forming where were they going? "no children allowed" they said no one would notice Miriam she is so little she is just a baby Samek and the hidden Miriam were in the line The Nazi guards were mean no compassion for the line pushing and shoving stay in line now! move with the line move! now! what was that? a child's cry? bayonets found Miriam Samek's knapsack blood soaked a father's cry why? a bullet in his head answered the question just another Nazi decision just another life 20lb Lead Pedestal Sculpture 12"x8"
I will Tell The World the Holocaust happened it happened in out life time millions mass murdered Jews, handicapped, Gypsies...millions dead they are all gone for what possible reason it happedned oh God it did happen a nation's sad legacy the murdered can't speak but we can! to look back with wisdom we must never forget it happened the Holocaust is a blood stain on a white scarf it will never be cleaned in the names of the dead tell the story over and over and over if only we learned from out mistakes 12"x6" 15lb lead pedestal sculpture
Never Forget, Never Again not so long ago there lived a people they were neighbors they were friends they were Jews living amongst the others were they different? or so it seemed a culture-a life they were nice peacefully co-existing then it happened Nazi Germany grew teaching their young children to hate the Jews vermon to them Jews were persecuted an enemy of the state rounded up-deported to Ghettos-to camps many just vanished these were violent times an obsession to eliminate all Jews from the earth's face how did God let this happen a child no longer played an adult no longer a neighbor the absolute horror a Holocaust happened never forget 30lb Wall Sculpture 12"x20"
Anne's Room hi, I am Anne I am a little girl I love to play with my friends my Mommy and Daddy love me they take care of me Daddy told me I had to hide the Nazis don't like us he said Daddy said it's because I'm Jewish why? I said Daddy looked at me and cried it made me sad to see Daddy cry the Nazis must be mean men I hope they never find me 65lb lead pedestal sculpture 30"x40"
Just Alice Salomon Nazis were thorough the young and old it made no difference searchinbg all occupied Europe from France to Poland no Jew was safe near Marseilles 30 orphaned Jewish children and their Guardian Akice Salomon were captured and deported to Sobibor Alice Salomon and her 30 orphans were gassed she never left their side 30lb lead wall sculpture
Camper's Free Soul the barbed wire concrete walls guards with guns scraps of food hard wood beds scant clothing no privacy families separated friends disappear feeling frightened feeling sick feeling tired feeling homesick feeling angry feeling sad feeling lonely somehow deep inside freedom Nazis can't take that away 36"x10" 35lb lead pedestal sculpture